1. Dividing congregations along age and affinity lines.
2. Eliminating choral expressions in worship.
3. Worship leader ageism.
4. Elevating music above Scripture, Prayer and the Lord’s Supper.
5. Making worship and music exclusively synonymous.
6. Trying to recreate worship with each new generation.
7. Ignoring the Christian Calendar and adopting the Hallmark Calendar.
8. Worshiping like inspiration stopped with the hymnal.
9. Worshiping like inspiration started with modern worship songs.
10. Not providing a venue for creatives to express their art as worship.
11. Allowing songs about God to supersede the Word of God.
12. Elevating gathered worship above dispersed worship.
13. Setting aside traditionalism around the world but not across the aisle.
14. Worshiping out of Nostalgia or Novelty.
15. Worship services at the expense of worship service.