Matt Boswell
Matt Boswell is pastor of The Trails Church and Assistant Professor of Church Music and Worship at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has co-written hymns such as “Come Behold the Wonderous Mystery”, and “His Mercy Is More.”
Mike Cosper
Mike Cosper is a writer and podcaster. He’s the Director of Podcasting for Christianity Today and the host of The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. He is the author of Rhythms’ of Grace, Recapturing The Wonder, The Stories We Tell, and more.
Matthew Westerholm
Matthew Westerholm is the Associate Professor of Church Music and Worship at Southern Seminary and the executive director of the Institute for Biblical Worship. He has written articles for DesiringGod, Gospel Coalition, and Doxology & Theology.
Matt Merker
Matt Merker is director of creative resources and training for Getty Music. Matt has contributed to several modern hymns, including “He Will Hold Me Fast.” He is the author of Corporate Worship.
Manuel Nivia
Manuel serves as the deacon of university students at the United Christian Church of Dubai where he regularly leads the church in congregational singing. Manuel grew up across Central and South America, and he now lives in Dubai with his wife and two sons.
Eric McAllister
Eric has been privileged to contribute to several independent and national releases as a songwriter and vocalist. Eric serves as Director of Liturgy & Music at High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, TX and Creative Director for Sunday Morning Songs.
Jonny Lim
Jonny grew up in Dubai and came to faith as a teenager through the ministry of the United Christian Church of Dubai (UCCD). Shortly after graduating from Biola University in California, he returned to UCCD, where he now serves as the youth and music director.
Join us at Together for the Gospel 2022 for a late night panel discussion hosted by Matt Boswell as we consider “How Worship Unites the Church.“
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
10:15 PM - 11:15 PM EST
Kentucky International Convention Center
Room L005/L009